Champions Do Extra.

Jack Glennon
3 min readApr 26, 2020


Lockdown has given most of us one thing, more time. Time to do the things we love, spend more time with our families or the people we live with, give attention to things we wouldn’t normally have time to, time to try out a new hobby and more time to pay attention to things like our health and education. This time shouldn’t be taken for granted.

When the lockdown started, my routine was flipped on its head and I did struggle to adjust for the first few weeks then the honeymoon phase wore off and I started to get back into a routine. For me, it all starts with exercise. If my exercise routine is dialled in and on point then the rest of my day seems to fall into place alongside it. I’m more productive, I sleep better, I’m more alert, my emotions are more in check and I just feel all round a lot better.

With the weather being so good at the moment, I’ve been using it as an opportunity to get outside as much as I can and cycling has been the best way to do that. I spend a lot of time on my bike every summer but as I mentioned earlier, lockdown has provided me with more time so I’ve been riding a little earlier in the year than I normally would have.

I normally have a couple of routes that I stick to which are a similar distance but over the last week I’ve pushed both myself and the distance.

This is because of something I read in the book I’ve been reading this week. I’m just getting to the end of ‘Legacy’ by James Kerr. It’s about the All Blacks Rugby Team and the 15 reasons behind what makes them one of the worlds most successful sports teams.

Go read it. It’s class.

One lesson that I’ve been thinking about this weekend is a simple one.

“Champions Do Extra”

It’s one of the main reasons why the All Blacks are so successful, they work harder than anyone they face and also harder than any All Black that has come before them.

I’ve been putting this lesson to use this weekend when out cycling. I’ve pushed it that extra mile or that extra hill because that’s what champions do, that is where the extra growth and gain is made. At the end of the day or the end of the race, it’s what is going to make the difference between you and the person stood next to you.

It’s not just exercise and sport that a lesson like this makes the difference in. It applies to pretty much every part of your life. I’m taking this lesson and applying to as many as I can.

Reading? Champions Do Extra.

Doing work? Champions Do Extra

Working on your business? Champions Do Extra.

Helping people out? Champions Do Extra.

I could go on and on but I think it’s simple, you’d be hard pressed to find an area of your life in which this lesson can’t be applied to.

I’ve found that when I’ve felt like quitting or cutting my bike rides short, that little quote creeps into my head “…Champions Do Extra.”

It’s only three words but it’s enough to switch my mindset up and to push myself that little bit further and that little bit harder.

I would definitely recommend reading ‘Legacy’ by James Kerr, especially if anything along the lines of self improvement, business, winning cultures or high performance is your sort of thing.

I’ve been reading an awful lot over the last 18 months so I’m thinking about writing a post about some of the best books I’ve read and what I’ve learned from them. I might also include some podcasts as well. If that’s something you’d be interested in then please let me know.

Hope you’re all keeping safe and well during lockdown.

See you next week.



Jack Glennon
Jack Glennon

Written by Jack Glennon

Building a sick brand called Behind Sport. Weekly posts about mindset, leadership or any other nonsense that comes to mind.

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