Instant vs Delayed Gratification
It’s late on a Sunday but I need to keep the streak up of writing once per week.
This weeks post comes from my personal situation this week, well more of how I’ve been feeling rather than my situation.
We live in a society where everyone is chasing instant gratification, whether that be through buying something materialistic, getting into a new relationship straight after breaking up with someone, eating fast food, etc. There are so many examples I could use but I’d be here all night.
People chase instant gratification for exactly the reason that is in its name, the instant hit it gives you. It releases something in our brains and we get the gratification from it. But as soon as that hit is done, the next hit needs to be found.
I’ve been struggling with this over the last week or so and I’ve only really figured out tonight what it is. I’ve been working on myself for the last year or so and really trying to build new habits and push myself to the next level, I really want to see what I’m capable of. Part of this is building a business but over the last week, I’ve had this overwhelming sense that I’m not getting anywhere with it and I feel like I’m stuck in this spot. It’s a strange feeling and I can’t really find the words to explain it.
I figured it out tonight though. I’ve been expecting instant gratification from it when I really need to be focusing on remembering that it is in fact delayed gratification because the reward is so much bigger and takes a lot longer to achieve.
Because we live in a society of instant gratification, it can sometimes feel like you’re being left behind by those around you because they’re getting their instant gratification hits when you’re not really getting anything. Take this for example, I have a friend who’s just bought a new car when I’m still driving the same car I’ve been driving since I was 17 (I’m 24). Now I could very easily go out and buy a nice car on a nice little finance deal and my need for instant gratification would be met but that would only last for a little while. Plus, the goals I have mean that I can’t really go out and get a nice car right now. I need to sacrifice in the short term so that I can access an even higher level in 5 years time.
I will choose delayed gratification over instant gratification every day of the week because it is what aligns with my goals.
Sometimes I lose sight of that and that is what’s happened over the last week or so. Having a long term goal can be difficult because for a long time it can feel like you’re not actually getting any closer to it. When in actual fact you are, you just don’t realise it. Momentum takes time to build.
So, remember this. Choose delayed gratification over instant gratification every day of the week. The payoff in the long term will be worth it a whole lot more.
See you next week.