Life is short. Tell people how you feel.
I was in the middle of writing a post tonight about ‘Hard work beats talent’ but news just broke that Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi have died in a helicopter crash and it just doesn’t feel right to continue to write about that.
Social media is awash with tributes to one of, if not the greatest basketball player of all time and one thing that I’m always reminded of when something like this happens is that life is short, ridiculously short and nobody knows when their time is up. It could be taken away from us at any time. It’s days and events like this that make you want to hug your loved ones that little bit tighter.
I know I said that I never wanted to preach and attempt to tell you what to do but I will break that rule just once.
If there’s someone in your life that you need to tell something but you keep holding it back, tell them. Life is too short. If you haven’t told your mum, dad, sibling or family member you love them recently, tell them. Life is too short. If you’re arguing with your significant other over something petty, forgive them. Life is too short.
Don’t ever leave it because “you’ll see them tomorrow”. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, so tell them there and then in the moment. Don’t ever think that “I don’t need to tell them because they already know.” because that’s not guaranteed either. Express not expect.
It’s simple really..
Missing somebody? Call them.
Want to meet up? Invite them.
Want to be understood? Explain to them.
Have questions? Ask them.
Don’t like something? Say it.
Like something? Say it.
Want something? Ask for it.
Love someone? Tell them.
Life is too short for regrets.
I could go on and on and on but I think the message is clear. Life is short and could be over any second so never hold back from telling the people closest to you how you are really feeling. We only get one shot at this thing called life, a lot of people lose sight of that fact.
Life is so precious, don’t waste it.
Rest in peace Kobe and Gigi. Mamba forever.
See you next week.