Living life at your own pace
Social media is great. I love it, it’s a big part of my job but over the last week or so I’ve been thinking about it a lot and the effect it has on us all.
At times it can seem like everyone has their life together and things are great when in your own life, things don’t seem that great. Social media is awash with engagements, babies, new cars, new clothes, holidays, nights out, and so many other of the great things in life and you can sometimes sit there and be overwhelmed by it all a bit and think “It seems like I don’t have it all together, everyone else is winning, what am I doing wrong?”
I get it, I really do. It can consume you. You start living your life in constant comparison to everyone else.
And that’s where we’re going wrong.
I like using quotes when I write these little posts and I’m going to use one now but it comes from someone I never really thought I would ever quote from. I watched Jason Manford’s new stand up show on the BBC a few weeks back and he talks about mental health and one line has stuck with me.
He says something along the lines of “You’re comparing your full film to someone elses trailer.”
Live life at your own pace.
Sitting there and constantly comparing yourself to others is a sure-fire way to getting yourself down and it’s stupid.
I think a lot of people don’t realise that they’re on their own path, no one else’s and what other people are doing, doesn’t effect them at all.
My path is different to yours, the same way that your path is completely different to your best friends, you brother’s, etc.
Focus on you, no one else.
Wasting energy worrying about things you can’t control and what others are doing is arguably the biggest waste there is. Put that energy into yourself and your goals and watch what happens. I can guarantee you that before long, the results will start to show.
Easier said than done, yes , I know. But once put into practice the results speak for themselves.
Focus on you.
I hope everyone is doing ok.
See you next week.