Manifestation doesn’t work if you don’t work.
I’ve been wondering what I could write about this week, most of the time I have something lined up but for some reason this week there hasn’t been anything.
So I decided to think back over some of the books I’ve read so far this year. Going into 2019 I knew I wasn’t reading enough so I set a goal to read 24 books in 2019. 2 books a month seemed attainable. I hit that by October. I actually ended up reading 32 books last year.
This year I wanted to step it up so I set the goal at 52, a book at week. At the end of February I’m still on target.
One of the first books I read this year was ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne and this is where the subject of this article comes from. This book focuses on the art and power of visualisation and manifestation and how you can attain the things you want in life just by changing the way that you think about them.
But I have an issue with it.
It’s pushing the wrong message.
Manifestation only works if you put in the work alongside it. When people say they have spoken things into existence, what many fail to tell you is that there was actually a lot of work that went on before that.
Now, I’m not saying that visualisation is a waste of time. I actually use it myself, how can you know what to work on if you don’t know the destination? If you have big goals in life then you’ve probably used visualisation yourself. To put it in basic terms, it’s pretty much imagining your future.
‘The Secret’ talks about how you can just change your way of thinking and how you speak to yourself and all of a sudden you’ll find that the things you want in life start happening/appearing. But that’s as far from the truth as you can possibly get.
Nothing is given in life, everything must be earned.
You have to put the work in, in order to achieve anything. You won’t become healthy just by thinking about it, you must do exercise. You won’t become rich just by thinking about it, you must build businesses and income streams.
‘The Secret’ gives off completely the wrong message and I imagine there will quite a lot of people who have read it and just expected their life to change because they’ve started to think differently and then get annoyed or disheartened when nothing changes.
It’s taken a little while for me to realise the true effect of this but in this funny thing called life, hard work is the great equaliser. Anything of note takes consistent, hard work. Anyone you look up to has got to that position through exactly that, consistent hard work over a sustained period of time.
Remember, I’m not saying that manifestation doesn't work. I’m just saying that hard work has to accompany it.
If I said to you “Close your eyes and tell me what your perfect future looks like.” you could describe it to me in all the detail you wanted but it doesn’t mean anything if the work isn’t there to back it up.
So I’ll leave you with this. Hard work is always a good choice.
See you next week.