One step at a time.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away a few days ago. Now, I don’t really know much about the associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States but in the aftermath of the news breaking, I stumbled across a quote of hers which talked about change in society.
The full quote says…
“Generally, change in our society is incremental, I think. Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.”
The thing I wanted to focus on is the last sentence of that quote, because it is something that can be applied to ourselves as an individual, not just society.
“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.”
We see it all the time, everyone’s in a rush. Everything has to be done straight away and if it isn’t, it’s a failure. But we’re looking at it the wrong way.
Real change does not happen overnight, it is accomplished step by step, day after day.
How many people do you know that say they want to get healthy so sign up to a gym or a PT or a diet plan, stick to it for a few days or weeks and then knock it on the head because they’re not seeing results? Quite a few I’d imagine.
When you are pursuing a change in your life, you need to be aware of and accepting of the fact that it is going to take time. Especially, if you want it to be long-lasting change.
Showing up day after day and putting in the work will soon start to bear the fruits of that labour.
We live in a society of instant gratification and people naively expect things to happen straight away and it just doesn’t work that way. Don’t get me wrong it would be great if it did but unfortunately it doesn't.
If you want to make meaningful change in your life, get comfy because you’re going to be in it for the long haul. Accepting that will set you onto the right path to success.
See you next week.