Peace of mind, that’s the real prize.
It’s been a bit of a weird week this week. I haven’t really felt like I’m at the races fully but I suppose that happens, it’s impossible to be running at 100% at all times especially with everything that’s going on this year.
However, I’ve been spending the last few days trying to work out what I can write about for this weeks post and there was one question I couldn’t really escape from.
What are we really chasing in life?
I sat and thought about it for a while and there are a number of answers people always give. Money, fame, success, a better life, the list goes on and on. But really, all we should be chasing is peace of mind.
This hit me when I was scrolling through Twitter and was looking at people argue over really trivial stuff. I think a lot of people don’t place enough importance or emphasis on their own peace of mind.
Ultimately, over everything in this world your peace of mind is the most important thing. No matter who’s in your life or what’s going on, your peace of mind should come first.
There are so many situations in life that just aren’t your time or your peace of mind. How many times have you found yourself having a disagreement with someone and all of a sudden having a moment of realisation “Why am I wasting my time here?”
If you find that you’re asking yourself that question then that’s that want for peace of mind coming to the surface.
Think about it, there are so many situations in life that just aren’t worth it. Bad friends, bad relationships, bad jobs, workplaces and jobs. None of them are worth it in any way, shape or form.
Put your peace of mind at the top of your list of priorities and you’ll suddenly find that life becomes a lit easier to figure out because the criteria that situations and people need to pass becomes stricter, but also easier to reject.
Your life is your life, you don’t have to be dictated to by anyone. Your peace of mind comes first, that should always be the case. No matter what anyone tells you, your peace of mind over everything.
Put your peace of mind, trust me.
See you next week.