Perspective in times like these

Jack Glennon
3 min readMar 29, 2020


Well, this new way of living is certainly a little odd.

Unfortunately it seems that it’s something we’re going to have to get used to for a little while at least.

I live in Manchester, England so like the rest of the country I’ve been working at home for most of the last week.

Life has slowed down tremendously for the majority of people and for most, it’s probably come as quite a shock to the system. What I am hoping though is that this enforced time at home will bring what’s truly important into perspective for a lot of people.

The adjustment isn’t going to be easy but as I’ve thought about this new way of living more this week there are clearly two different ways to approach this ‘lockdown’ period.

You can either look at it as a bad thing or you can look for the positives in it.

With life slowing down, it is giving us time to focus on things we wouldn’t always have given much time to before because of other commitments like work. It’s a chance to spend more time with the loved ones we live with who we might not get to spend much time because we’re all so busy working. It’s a chance to pick up on old hobbies or try new ones. It’s a chance to rest and get organised. It’s a chance to do all of those odd jobs around the house you’ve been meaning to do for an awful long time, you can’t really put them off any longer.

It’s also a chance to take more time for yourself, to read, to learn, to create that thing you’ve always wanted to. If you’ve had the idea to write a book or a business buzzing around your head, now is the perfect time to do it.

Yes, this is a completely unprecedented time and it’s absolutely mad when you think about it that the entire country has pretty much come to a complete halt but there is also an opportunity in it. This is a chance for you to finally make a start on that thing you’ve been putting off.

Some of the biggest companies currently about were started during the last recession in 2008. Whatsapp, Uber, Venmo, Twitter, Instagram and Slack to name a few.

Maybe this life giving you a little nudge and saying “Go on…”

Personally, I’m using this time to read, work on my business, learn about investing and the stock market.

I’ve now got more time on my hands so it means I can do things like that, I think I’m also going to use this time to focus a bit more on my writing so I may look to post more than just the once a week schedule I’m currently sticking to.

I got talking to a friend before who asked how I was remaining so positive with everything that’s going on and the answer is a simple one really. I focus on what I can control and take it one day at a time.

Trying to think too far into the future and attempting to predict what’s going to happen next is a perfect breeding ground for anxiety. I focus on the day in front of me right now and maybe give a little thought to tomorrow at most. If you focus purely on the 24 hours in front of you and making sure you get the most out of them then you’ll find life becomes a lot easier. I think that most people try and control too much, especially things they have no control over and this is where the trouble arises. I focus on what I can control, everything else is what it is.

Let’s take this virus for example.

The only things I can control are my own personal hygiene and my social distancing, I can’t control what other people do so I leave them to it.

I hope you’re all slowly adjusting to this way of living and you’re all doing ok.

If anyone wants to talk, my DMs are open on Twitter — @jack_glennon so come say hi.

Look after yourselves and your loved ones.

See you next week.



Jack Glennon
Jack Glennon

Written by Jack Glennon

Building a sick brand called Behind Sport. Weekly posts about mindset, leadership or any other nonsense that comes to mind.

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