Show gratitude.
I write about them a lot but I’m back with another quote. This time from Epictetus.
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”
The reason I write this one is what I’ve been thinking about this week. There’s a lot going on in the world right now and has been for most of 2020 but I feel a lot of people spend too much of their time looking at the things they’re missing out on when there is much more to be grateful for.
Now there are certain situations that this doesn’t really apply, obviously. But I’m talking about people complaining about missing out on a holiday or not being able to go to a pub etc.
Change your perspective. Look at things from a different angle and look at your situation in the grander schemes of things and you’ll soon realise how blessed you really are. This year has been awful but if you’re surrounded by your loved ones with a roof over your head then you’re truly blessed.
I know that we all like our material things and being able to do certain things but I think when a pandemic grips the world and people are losing their lives, you should be grateful if you or your loved ones haven’t been affected by it.
Being grateful for the things you have right now will help you build a better mindset and a better outlook on life. If you’re constantly looking for the next best thing or criticising what you currently have, once you lose it you’ll ultimately come to regret it.
It’s hard, the world of social media allows us to peer into the lives of others and see what they have but really, that’s not healthy at all. It can breed a jealousy in us and make us feel like our situation isn’t good enough. However, teach yourself to love and appreciate what you currently have and you’ll find yourself feeling more peaceful.
Now that isn’t to say you should settle. No, you should always be striving to be better but learning to be grateful for what you currently have keeps you grounded.
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”
See you next week.