There’s no “right time”, only time.
You’ll have heard a lot of people say that they’re waiting for the right time to do something. But I was reading this morning and saw something that made me think a little differently around that phrase.
It went along the lines of “There is no “right time” only time and it’s up to you what you do with it.”
The “right time” indicates that there are only a certain times when things can happen. But that’s simply not the case. Time is the most valuable thing in the world and you’ll never be able to get it back once it’s gone, so why waste time waiting for the “right time”?
Think about it, how many people have said they’re waiting for the right time to launch a business, start a new career, start a new fitness regime? Too many, is the right answer.
Now, I’m all for being patient and trusting the process but waiting for the right time is stupid. All that is a lack of willingness to take action.
There is no time like the present. We will never get this moment again.
You’re in charge of your life and the time you’re given on this planet. There’s no guarantee that you’ll make it into old age, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow on the way to work and that’s it, innings over. So what’s the point in waiting for the “right time” when life is a finite thing and could be over at any second?
Waiting for the right time will have you waiting around for an awful long time and before you know it, you’re old, it’s too late and the opportunity has passed you by.
The right time is also used by people who claim to be “perfectionists” but really it’s just indecision.
Make your mind up, make a decision and take action. One thing is guaranteed in life, you only get one shot at it and waiting around for the “right time” is a surefire way to waste a big chunk of it.
Action > words. Forever.
See you next week.