Trusting the process
More than anything, this weeks post is aimed at myself. It’s a message I know I need to heed.
I’m impatient and I question why things aren’t happening for me when they seem to happen to others so easily. Which in turn produces negative emotions because I feel like I’m being left behind. It’s weird and it’s a constant battle because I know better.
I need to trust the process.
Social media can make life harder. It is a highlight reel of what everyone else is doing and you look around at your own life and think you’re somehow not at the same level.
I go through phases with it, every so often it’ll pop up and for a few days I’ll just feel a little off the pace.
But anyway enough of me, here’s how we get out of it.
It’s a perspective thing. Change the perception, the mood changes.
Life is a funny old thing, it’s a long old journey filled with ups, downs, lefts, rights, successes and fails. You name it, it’s probably going to happen at some point. However, no one journey is the same. Every single person on this rock called Earth is on their own journey, has their own story and is 100% unique.
No matter how similar you think you are to someone, you’re completely different. Your story is unique and your life is running at the exact pace that it is supposed to.
Not at the level you think you should be in your job? Trust the process.
Not in a relationship when everyone else seems to be? Cool, trust the process.
Not as successful as your friends? Cool, trust the process and work hard.
Trusting the process is hard but focus on changing the perspective and your own story. Your life will unfold at exactly the pace it is supposed to, no matter what anyone else does in their life.
Focus on you. Your story. Trust the process.
As I said at the start, this post was a message to myself but if you’re reading this, then thank you.
See you next week.