Trying something new…
So I don’t really know what this is. Or what’s it’s going to be…
This is a bit of a new venture for me. I’ve wanted to write more for a while now so seeing as it’s the start of a new year and a new decade, this seems like the best time to do so. I haven’t exactly got a plan of what I’m going to write about, all I want to do is consistently write over the next year. I’m going to write one new post per week in 2020.
If I was going to make a guess at some of the things I’ll be writing about over the next year one of the main things is going to be mindset and mentality.
Now, I’m only young (24 to be exact) so I’m not going to sit here and proclaim that I’m some sort of Life Coach and start throwing out advice left, right and centre. I feel that a Life Coach or Motivational Speaker has to have lived some sort of life first so I’m not going to sit and say “you should be doing this” or “try this” I’m just going to write about things that I find interesting and if anyone takes any sort of value from it, even better.
I wanted to do this last year but I never did. And I suppose looking back on it, it’s because I was carrying this fear of what other people would think of it and that stopped me from doing it. Now, last year was a pretty successful year but it wasn’t at the level I was planning it to be. It was that fear of the opinions of others that held me back.
That’s all changing in 2020.
There’s a quote that has been stuck in my head for a while now. “Nothing changes if nothing changes” and it’s something I’ve lived by over the last quarter of 2019. What I do with my life is up to me, and at the end of the day, the opinions of others doesn’t mean anything. Everyone says they have goals in life but it’s only a percentage that actually achieve them. The goals I have aren’t going to achieve themselves, my situation doesn’t change if I don’t do something about it. No one is going to do it for me.
I feel sometimes that people around my age are valuing the wrong things and in a way, lack a sense of direction. We live in a time of “Keeping up with the Joneses” and it seems more important to spend money you don’t really have on things you don’t really want in order to “impress” people you don’t really know or like. It’s weird and don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I don’t do it, I do. Not as much as I used to but I still have the habit from time to time.
I’m looking forward to seeing what happens over the next year with the Medium account. I’m a big fan of habits and routine so I’m looking forward to building this over the coming weeks and months.
See you next week.