“Vires acquirit eundo.”

Jack Glennon
2 min readAug 23, 2020


There’s a latin quote I stumbled across this week which means “We gather strength as we go.” and it got me thinking about progression in life and more importantly, building confidence as we progress.

“Vires acquirit eundo.”

There can be something quite daunting about progression or trying something new. It’s because it’s that step into the unknown, new territory you haven’t set foot in before and that voice in your head can go “whoah, hang on minute, are you sure?”

And that one question alone can stop some people dead in their tracks and afraid to take that next step.

The funny thing is though, you take that step and go “That wasn’t all that bad, I could do that again.”

And that’s where that quote comes in. We gather strength as we go. The more we do, the more confident we become. Humans are creatures of habit so when we continually do something and repeat it over and over again, we become stronger and better at that exact thing.

Take driving for example, the first time you did it you were probably awful and incredibly nervous but now, it’s more than likely second nature to you.

Take deadlifts at the gym, the first time you do them will probably be awful and not feel like you can do them. Fast forward 6 months and it’ll be a completely different story.

Whatever it is, the first iterations are going to be pretty dreadful in comparison to the 100th one. However, you don’t number 100 if you don’t do number 1.

We gather strength as we go. Our confidence builds every single time we do something so if there is something in your life that you’re feeling unsure remember that we get better the more times we do something.

To be fair, that quote can just be applied to life in general. The more we go through life and the older we get, the better we get at things.

I think at times it’s about remembering a quote like that and simply just sticking at it. It can feel like it’s not going well and you’ll never get there but just sticking at it and going through the motions time and time again builds the strength and possibility to improve.

We gather strength as we go.

Stick at it.

See you next week.



Jack Glennon
Jack Glennon

Written by Jack Glennon

Building a sick brand called Behind Sport. Weekly posts about mindset, leadership or any other nonsense that comes to mind.

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