We’re such a selfish society.

Jack Glennon
3 min readMar 22, 2020


These certainly are strange times.

One thing I realised this week is that the current pandemic is one of those things that will be looked back on in history. It is one of those events that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will be taught about.

The thing they’ll be taught about? How ignorant and selfish we were as a society.

I’ve always taken a bit of a different view on society and have been able to see it for it really is, but then again, it’s never been that difficult to see but this pandemic has simply highlighted it.

Yes, this situation has shown the absolute best of society but it has also shown us the absolute worst.

I wrote a little bit in last weeks post about people panic buying. That’s continuing and it’s baffling. I suppose the fear people have comes from seeing other people panic buying, shelves emptying and they feel like they need to buy it as well. It’s a domino effect.

The thing that has provided the inspiration for this post though is the ‘social distancing’ guideline that the government has set out. They say we should all be keeping 2 metres apart, this reduces the chances of spreading the virus if we unknowingly have it.

Most social places were shut on Friday night by the government because people weren’t following these guidelines, and with the nice weather the videos of people flocking to climb Mount Snowdon and other places like the Lake District were appalling.

Apparently, everyone think they’re invincible. But I’’d let you into a little something, you’re not.

And yes, you might be alright if you get the virus but I bet you’ll take it more seriously when your Nan catches it and she’s in Intensive Care.

We’re selfish, and it’s the most disappointing thing about all of this.

Take a step back for a second and just think about someone else. Think about the community you live in and the wider implications that you catching the virus and passing it on to those around you.

There are so many videos knocking about on social media that explain what happens if you infect other people. This virus is more infectious than the normal flu. On average, someone with it passes it to 3 people. Passed on at the same rate through ten layers of people, that initial person will have been responsible for infecting 59,000 people. FIFTY NINE THOUSAND.

It’s explained a lot better in the tweet below.

Think about that for a second, 59,000 fills most football stadiums in this country.

So for the second time in as many weeks, I remind you of this. It is time we start being more selfless and thinking of those around us. Yes, you might be alright but your elderly relative won’t be.

The quicker we all follow the guidelines, the quicker normality returns. It sucks that things have changed and we can’t do the things we all love to do, don’t worry I’m with you on that one but we’re not helping ourselves by being selfish.

If you are worried about social distancing and the best way to enforce it for those around you, I’ve found that quoting the famous line from Phoenix Nights when Max fits a new car alarm works best. Here it is below…

The best advice I’ve seen on social distancing and protecting yourself and others from this virus is this. Pretend that you have the virus and you’re trying to prevent and protect other people from getting it rather than trying to prevent yourself from catching it. Be more selfless.

And if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for your Nan.

See you next week.

P.S. Thank you to everyone in our NHS, you’re all heroes.

P.P.S. Wash your hands.



Jack Glennon
Jack Glennon

Written by Jack Glennon

Building a sick brand called Behind Sport. Weekly posts about mindset, leadership or any other nonsense that comes to mind.

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