What do you really value?
I left it late last week to write a new post so I’m trying to be a bit more proactive with it this week.
I’m writing this whilst I’m sat in the Starbucks in the Trafford Centre in Manchester. It’s my favourite place to come and work, it’s definitely my most productive place to get work done. I think I’ve done more work sat in here in the last hour than I did all of last weekend.
I love people watching whilst I’m here too. If you ever come, grab a seat by the window and watch the world go by, it’s severely underrated.
It’s actully where the idea for this post came about.
One of the things I always wonder about when I sit here and see people walk past with a silly number of shopping bags from the big name brands is, do you really need all of them? Or are you just buying them to fit in?
The other question that comes to mind is “Can you actually afford that?
Now, don’t get me wrong I buy brand names clothes so the phrase “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” does come to mind but I will never spend more than I earn. Especially when it comes to trying to fit in.
Growing up I thought it was just what you did. Everyone wants to wear the latest brand. But as I grow and I focus on different goals, I know they can’t be achieved by splurging all of my wages every month on buying stuff.
When you have big goals like I do, that simply can’t happen. I’m talking about building businesses, buying houses, the stuff in life that only a certain percentage achieve. That level isn’t achieved whilst trying to keep up with the Joneses.
I guess the thing that baffles me the most is why everyone seems to be more concerned with what other people think about them. Now, I know status has always been a part of society. It’s how everyone is judged, where you rank in society. It’s all about status and where you rank but stressing about that stuff will put you in an early grave.
I can bet good money that the majority of people are spending more money than they should on material things just so their friends will like them. It’s mad, it’s absolutely mad.
What I’m trying to say is, if you’re wondering why you’re not as happy as you think you should be, maybe you should have a look at the things you value. The opinion of others, material things and other nonsense like that aren’t good things to value. Instead, valuing things like family, good friends, your health, self development and being a good person will make you feel so much better. (These are only a few examples, there are loads more.)
This is something I’m still learning about, it’s still a work in progress but since I’ve been focusing on trying to value those kind of things, mentally I’ve been in a better place. I value things that I have control over. It’s been one of my favourite sayings for a while now “Don’t worry about what you can’t control.” and honestly it will put you in such a better place. Only worrying about the things that you can control means that you’re putting your energy into the right things rather than wasting it. It takes up not only energy but also your time and as I’ve said before, life is a finite thing and we only get one crack at it. Why waste it trying to impress other people? Or worrying about what they think of you.
Focus on you and what you’re doing. Focus on being the best version of yourself. It’s funny what happens when you do that.
See you next week.